Home / Projects / Politecnico – Milan Street Trees Internship
Politecnico – Milan Street Trees Internship

Politecnico – Milan Street Trees Internship

An insightful session exploring the transformative potential and microclimatic performances of tree lines in Milan’s urban environment. This presentation will reflect on the importance of tree lines in shaping urban spaces and outline a vision for greener, more resilient cities. The meeting marks the first report of the internship, intended for urban planners, architects, environmentalists, and anyone passionate about sustainable urban development.
The urban landscape of northeastern Milan provides a unique backdrop for examining the integration of nature into urban spaces. This research is part of the Politecnico di Milano Landscape Architecture – Land Landscape Heritage Master’s program and is conducted within the framework of a Politecnico di Milano teaching internship experience (Laurea Magistrale internship activity). As part of the Milan Street Trees Internship, this research focuses on the transformative potential and microclimatic performances of tree lines, with Via Feltre serving as a case study of ecological and social significance.
This presentation delves into the ecological importance of tree-lined streets, identifies the barriers to their sustainability, and proposes actionable strategies for revitalizing and maintaining cohesive green corridors in urban contexts. Through GIS mapping, field research, and ecosystem service analysis, this project bridges academic theory with practical solutions to inspire greener, more resilient cities.
This is an opportunity to gain insights into the significant role of tree lines in urban ecosystems and explore innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges. This research addresses critical questions about sustainability and livability in urban environments, offering practical strategies for enhancing Milan’s streets.
Presented by: Rahima Rahdari, MSc Student in Landscape Architecture at Politecnico di Milano.
Supervised by: Professor Nicola Noè (Company Supervisor) and Professor Alberta Cazzani (Academic Supervisor).
How to reach the venue: Location
Room 26.02 is located at the Politecnico di Milano Leonardo campus, Via Golgi 20 – Building 26. The venue is conveniently accessible via public transportation, with the M2 metro line (Piola stop).

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